Domain Configuration in E4ward#

Default Domain#

When you create an E4ward account, you automatically get a domain in this format:

This domain is ready to use immediately and requires no additional configuration.

Adding Custom Domains#

You can add your own domain names to your E4ward account. This requires a few simple steps:

1. Configure MX Records#

Add the following MX records to your domain's DNS settings:


Important Notes:
- Do not use IP addresses in your MX records
- Your domain should only use E4ward's MX records (do not mix with other email services)
- All MX records have equal priority (10)

2. Add Verification TXT Record#

Create a TXT record to verify your domain ownership:

e4ward youraccountname

- The verification text must include both "e4ward" and your account name
- The words can be in any order
- The text is not case-sensitive
- You can include additional text if desired
- No quotes are needed in the TXT record value

3. Add Domain to Your Account#

Once you've configured the DNS records:

  1. Log in to your E4ward account
  2. Navigate to the "Domains" tab
  3. Click "Add Domain"
  4. Enter your domain name
  5. Submit the form

E4ward will verify your DNS configuration and domain ownership. Once verified, your domain will be active and ready to use.

4. Create Email Forwards#

After your domain is verified, you can select it from the domains dropdown when adding or updating forwards on the forwards tab.

For example, you could create forwards like:


If your domain isn't being verified:
- Allow up to 48 hours for DNS changes to propagate
- Double-check that all MX records are correctly configured
- Verify that the TXT record contains both required words
- Ensure you haven't mixed E4ward's MX records with other email services

Need help? Contact E4ward support for assistance with your domain configuration.